KSVK group of Institutions is one of the leading group of educational institution in and around whitefield, Bangalore. It was established in the year 2000 and gradually progressed with three other branches and it is headed by Mr K. M Marulasiddaiah. .
Chairman Message
The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.
Our children are the most precious resource of our country and we need to nurture them by providing them with the very best education possible. At KSVK education is a living partnership in which our parents and the school work together to ensure that our young children are able to become confident, caring, and capable citizens of 21st century.
At KSVK we offer a vibrant, innovative yet rigorous education based in literacy, numeracy and e-Learning. The vision of our institution is based on the core values of ‘Respect and Responsibility’ that permeate through all our curriculum programmes. Our students develop a love of learning that ensures they have the knowledge, skills, attitude and values to cope with a rapidly changing and challenging world.
Our faculty works with the highest level of Co-operation, Co-ordination, team Spirit and utmost professionalism. We encourage every student to develop and enhance their individual talents and we support them in a very special, friendly and caring environment.
We offer not only an outstanding academic programme but an exciting curriculum both in and beyond the classroom, with music, dance, cultural and sporting opportunities that ensures holistic development of a child.

Secretary’s Message
“Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it”
At KSVK we create opportunities for pursuit of knowledge and all-round development. We impart value education to students to build sense of integrity, honesty and ethics. We provide the right environment to develop quality education for all without any discrimination.
We believe that every child is unique and is born to excel in different walks of life. Education is the window for each child to manifest their unique skills, that’s why our Institutions believe in bringing out and nurturing the innate talents of children through innovative teaching methodologies that could simultaneously enhance their curricular and extra-curricular skills and abilities.
Mission,Vision & Our Goals
Our mission is to intentionally design an environment to provide immense learning experiences, learner driven pedagogy have teachers as facilitators supporting students in their exploration to empower our students become self- directed, independent, inter dependent and follow an integrated and inter disciplinary curriculum with a meaningful integration of technology.
KSVK provides a holistic education for its students. Our educational environment will nurture creativity, critical thinking , communication, problem solving skills , collaboration, self-management and empower them to become global citizens in the rapidly changing world, where technology is erasing borders.
To ensure that every child feels equal, valued and respected, To nurture and protect children’s self-belief, confidence and happiness, To encourage and support every child’s individual academic journey. • To enable every child to actively seek and develop new interests and opportunities.

A Better Future Starts Here
Nurturing the youth with state-of–the–art facilities and inculcating relevant skill-set to face modern tech driven society initiated the foundation of Vedic Group of Institution.
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